Georgia EducationAL Technology Consortium
Advancing Education Through TechnologyWHAT WE DO
The Georgia Educational Technology Consortium, Inc.®, a non-profit corporation independent of any educational or commercial entities, is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors, all unpaid volunteers, under the leadership of Dr. Brian Blanton of Henry County Schools.
The Consortium sponsors the annual Georgia Educational Technology Conference and the Georgia Student Technology Competition. Each year, the Consortium awards several Innovation Grants to teachers.
Kate Crawford is the chair for the GaETC Conference. Aaron Griffin is in charge of the Student Technology Competition, and Dr. Paulina Kuforiji of Columbus State University supervises the Innovation Grants program.

With over 250 concurrent sessions, nationally known speakers, and engaging workshops, the Georgia Educational Technology Conference provides educators and educational leaders the opportunity to learn about the latest in innovative education technology.

The Consortium awards innovation grants to support creative exploration, awareness, and engagement in educational technology. This allows a deeper dive into project ideas and models that promote the overall advancements of our communities.

The Consortium holds a statewide technology competition in which students in grades 3-12 compete in a variety of technology categories. Our goal is to challenge students to become leaders by supporting unique concepts, insights, and approaches to education.
The Georgia Educational Technology Consortium grew out of the success of the Georgia Educational Technology Conference, which debuted in 1989 at the Ironworks Trade Center in Columbus. In 2000, Dr. Mark Check was elected the first President of the newly formed Georgia Educational Technology Consortium. Dr. Wayne Robinson became president of the 15-member Board of Directors in 2002. Dr. Brian Blanton assumed the presidency in 2016.
The non-profit organization has contracted with McRae Conferences & Trade Shows, Inc., of Tallahassee to coordinate some activities for the Consortium and the Conference. The Directors are all unpaid volunteers who supervise the Consortium’s projects.
In addition to the annual GaETC Conference, the Consortium now supports two other projects: the Georgia Educational Technology Competition, which is an annual state-wide competition for students, and Innovation Grants, a program that presents monetary awards to Georgia teachers who use technology in innovative ways to advance education.
Dr. David Beeland
Board Member
Dr. Brian Blanton
Board President
Jay Cawley
Board Vice President
Kate Crawford
Board Member
Weyman Culp
Board Treasurer
Jenna Dunaway
Board Member
Jeff Eacker
Executive Director
Aaron Griffin
Board Member
Jill Hobson
Board Member
Dr. Paulina Kuforiji
Board Member
Tom Lamb
Board Member
Dr. Traci Redish
Board Member
Dr. Dutchie Riggsby
Board Secretary
Dr. Wayne Robinson
Immediate Past President
Dr. Tommye Thomas
Board Member
Hoke Wilcox
Board Member